6 Tips to Help You Get Ready

Have you ever thought of becoming traditionally published? Imagine getting an advance on royalties, being introduced to heavyweight connections, the publisher doing all the legwork, and of course…
Sounds good, dunnit?
If you think that’s just a pipe dream, luckily for you, we’ve got the rundown on how you can be traditionally published so you can get started turning that vision into reality!
# 1 Prepare Your Manuscript
First things first – have a manuscript!
Put together a work that is already ready for publication. If this means finding a good editor to polish your book, do so! Remember, one thing publishers look for in a manuscript is a well-written one, so invest in your book and submit an edited and fully-baked version.
#2 Do Your Research
Look for publishers that have the same vision for your book as you. Check if they have a good track record and a reputation for publishing high-quality books. In addition, make sure they specialize in your genre, and most importantly, check for reviews!
#3 Prepare a Query Letter
A query letter is like an author’s CV. In that query letter, you introduce yourself and your book to a publisher or literary agent. The goal here is to impress them with your ”CV” so make sure you include your socials, book interviews, awards, number of followers, and podcast guesting in your query letter.
#4 Submit Your Query
You can do this via email, through a literary agent, or through submission platforms like Submittable. You should note that this process can take several weeks, months, or even a year to review submissions since you are one of many who want to be traditionally published.
If you get feedback, prepare a copy of your manuscript, as publishers will most likely ask for a full copy or schedule a call to discuss your work. That is if they are interested!
#5 Try Self-Publishing
No doubt that the traditional publishing route can take a long time. That’s why many authors prefer to self-publish to get their books out in the market. In turn, many publishers turn to self-published books for their new acquisitions.
But how about building your own publishing company or brand? Atticus Publishing provides assisted DIY Publishing which means you can publish your book/s under your own publishing name. This way, you have 100% ownership of your book and all your royalties go directly to your bank account.
#6 Promote Your Book
If you have already self-published your book, congratulations! But we all know the work isn’t halfway done.
You must get the word out to potential readers that your book exists!
The more traffic, followers, awards & recognitions, and book events under your belt, the more chances of getting recognized by publishers and literary agents.
A good track record is also one of the things they’ll check, so make sure you have a kick-ass one!
Getting traditionally published can be a painstakingly long and arduous process. Not to mention, a competitive one too! So it’s important to keep your chin up. With patience, persistence, the right mindset, and guidance, it is possible to achieve your dream of becoming traditionally published.
Who knows? You might be the next J.K. Rowling.